YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Anton Chekhov s The Proposal Symbolism

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Uses of Symbolism in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard

In seven pages this paper contrasts and compares how the authors utilize symbolism in these respective works. Seven sources are c...

Comparing Chekhov, Nabokov & Viramontes

that reveals to the reader a great deal about the characters involved. Pelagea is deeply in love with her husband, Yegor Anton Che...

Society in Chekhov’s The Lady with the Dog

the Russian culture has long remained something of a mystery as well. Even despite the seemingly mysterious nature of Russian l...

The Brute by Chekhov

Mrs. Popov is likely a respectable woman who understands the etiquette of the day, which is what the audience will likely see (Che...

Meaning and Literature

The stories being examined, by Chekhov and Mansfield, are clearly two stories that truly delve into the inner being of an individu...

Lady with Lapdog

and one could well envision how Chekhovs character, Gurov, may well have married for something other than love. "He had been talke...

Provincialism: Gogol, Chekhov

Using Nikolai Gogol's Dead Souls and Anton Chekhov's The Duel, the writer discusses how each author addresses the topic of Russian...

Comparison of Protagonists in Joyce Carol Oates' and Anton Chekhov's The Lady with the Pet Dog

experience, clearly illustrating how her lack of inner strength and fortitude is what stands in the way of her finding true happin...

Analysis of Anton Chekhov's Plays

In ten pages this paper analyzes the themes and style of Chekhov's plays Three Sisters and The Seagull. Seven sources are cited i...

Irony of Social Criticism in Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard and Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts

In five pages this paper considers the way these playwrights revealed social criticism through the irony of their respective plays...

Anton Chekhov's 'Three Sisters'

The theme, plot, and style of this work is considered in 10 pages as well as presenting an examination into Aristotle's theories a...

Female Protagonists in Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants and Anton Chekhov's The Darling

It is this "darling," who, according to Chekhov, "could not exist without loving" (Chekhov, 2002). She falls in love with Kukin, w...


save their farm from subdivision additional layers of clothing can be added. The scarf is an indicator of his desire to place a st...

Identity Need of Women in the Plays of Henrik Ibsen and Anton Chekhov

This paper discusses women's need for their own identity as considered by Anton Chekhov in Three Sisters and Henrik Ibsen in A Dol...

The Kiss by Anton Chekhov

In five pages the adaptation and overall content of the story as it relates to The Kiss by Anton Chekhov is discussed by the write...

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov'

In five pages the last play written by Anton Chekhov is examined in terms of its development of Russia's social and political chan...

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov #2

In an essay consisting of five pages Chekhov's and Stanislavsky's views of the play are compared with the argument being that acco...

'The Lady with the Pet Dog' by Anton Chekhov

his otherwise dull life. When we meet the woman with the dog we begin to see that she is young and innocent and lonely. She als...

Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov

In a paper consisting of five pages the playwright's life is discussed and then his play is examined in order to determine that 'U...

Literature and Culture in Flannery O'Connor, Anton Chekhov, and Amy Tan

her white friends would agree with her that she was about as Chinese as they were, indicating she really possessed little of that ...

'The Lady with the Dog' by Anton Chekhov

he recognizes this. They are a challenge and women have always been drawn to him. But, with this one woman he begins to become far...

Social Criticism and Irony in Plays by Anton Chekhov and Henrik Ibsen

In five pages this paper discusses how in Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard and in Ibsen's Ghosts the playwrights are able to convey so...

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

In 5 pages the cherry orchard symbolism is considered as it pertains to the play and how its purely decorative but nonfunctional n...

Gurov's Dilemma in The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov

In three pages this paper considers Gurov's change in attitude and his discovery that with love comes responsibility and that this...

Three Short Stories by Anton Chekhov

In a paper consisting of five pages the argument is presented that within the short stories 'The Darling, 'The Betrothed,' and 'Th...

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

and how it reflected the changes in Russian society and government around the end of the nineteenth century. However, before addr...

Productions of The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

In eight pages the various productions of The Cherry Orchard are compared including those of Stanislavsky, Peter Brook, Lucian Pin...

Inclusion in the Contemporary Literary Canon, Anton Chekhov

This research paper/essay provides an argument that Chekhov deserves his place in the literary canon, providing a brief overview o...

The Shell Game

including short stories and plays. This paper considers his short story The Man in a Shell with specific attention to the narrator...

Four Essays On Literature

This paper bundles four essays into one. In five pages the writer separately discusses specific questions regarding Eliot's The L...