Essays 1531 - 1560

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France's Labor Issues

In nine pages this paper discusses France's approach to labor in a consideration of its workforce, rights of workers, and the infl...

Civil Rights Movement and the Role of African American Women

century after the turning point events of the 1960s, it is time to give the black women of the civil rights movement the credit an...

Public Opinion and the US Bill of Rights 1st and 2nd Amendments

In five pages this paper examines public opinion pertaining to these controversial first 2 amendments of the American bill of righ...

Individual Choice of Democracy

In seven pages various definitions of the elusvie term of democracy are examined with the representative type mentioned as the pro...

Explosive Issue of Gun Control

In three pages the explosive arguments for and against gun control are examined in a consideration of advocacy and a protection of...

The 'Rights' and 'Wrongs' of Animal Testing

In an argumentative essay consisting of three pages this issue is evaluated in terms of its pros and cons and serves to debunk any...

Chinese Women's Rights and the Impact of Christianity

In 5 pages this paper examines rights for Chinese women in a consideration of the impact and influence of Christianity on them. F...

Government Involvement and Laws of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights

In twenty five pages this report discusses the government's invovlement in protecting intellectual property in a consideration of ...

U.S. Oppression of Hispanics

In eight pages a fictional interview with an Hispanic father named Jose discussing equal rights, economics, society, and education...

Presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson

In five pages this research paper examines the 'revolutionary' presidencies of JFK and LBJ with an emphasis upon the civil rights...

KKK Should Not Exist

far. Animal rights activists too have been known to damage property and harm human beings in their quest to protect furry creature...

1961's Civil Rights Freedom Riders

On May 4, 1961 a small group of many races decided to travel in two buses and challenge the fact that some of these southern state...

Case Study Analysis on a Taxicab Driver

Legal rights of a taxi driver are duly noted in this eight page research report that examines decisions. Financial aspects are exp...

Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King Jr.

In five pages this paper discusses the boycotting of Montgomery buses that inspired this 1958 text and led to the civil rights mov...

Overview of the Hartford Convention

In thirteen pages this paper examines the Hartford Convention designed to address New England's problems and also considers its im...

Property Rights of Aborigines in Australia

In a paper consisting of six pages the changes regarding aboriginal property rights in Australia resulting from claims by Eddie Ma...

U.S. Religious Freedom

In six pages the U.S. church and state separation is examined in an overview that argues how the rights guaranteed by the 1st Amen...

The Civil Rights Era

free, and actual citizens, for many decades. Yet, despite this reality, African Americans were still not allowed the same freedoms...

The Miranda v Arizona Case, Due Process, and Miranda Rights

with empirical studies. But interest in the subject quickly waned, and research in the last couple of decades has been virtually n...

Small Businesses and Employment Law

In a paper consisting of 12 pages UK legislative changes regarding employment and rights of employees are examined as they impact ...

Concept of Rights

In ten pages this paper discusses the evolution of the concept of rights in a consideration of ideals and the interpretations of T...

Definition of Substantive Due Process and Relevant Case Law

In six pages this paper defines substantive due process and discusses rights of liberty, individual treatment under the law and th...

Workers Rights Portrayed in Norma Rae

In five pages this paper examines the ways in which workers' rights were portrayed in the film Norma Rae within the context of 193...

Amistad Incident and Freedom

In six pages an individual's rights and the concept of freedom are examined in a discussion of slavery and the Amistad incident. ...

Two Hundred and Twenty Five Years After the Declaration of Independence

In five pages this document is examined from the perspective of 225 years after its issuance in terms of its concepts and compromi...

Professional Sports Facilities and Corporate Naming Rights

In nine pages this report considers corporate naming rights as they apply to sports facilities and includes a discussion of how th...

Criticism of the Individual Regarding Democracy

In five pages Ayn Rand and Alexis de Tocqueville's perspectives are applied to the problems of the individual as the result of dem...

Howard Zinn and the Civil Rights Movement

This research report looks at this era but focuses on one book called A People's History of the United States. This five page pape...

The 1966 Miranda v Arizona Case and Civil Rights

This paper analyzes this US Supreme Court case in terms of its lasting significance and impact upon criminal defendants' civil and...

Influence of the Black Church on America and Civil Rights

In seven pages this paper examines the influence the Black Church as exerted on the United States and on the civil rights movement...