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Black Holes and Astronomical Research

exclusion principle acting on its electrons (in white dwarfs) or nucleons (in neutron stars)" (Dolan 1079). Yet, when "No equilibr...

Empirical Research Report on Violence in Schools

within the past two decades. Latch-key kids, single- and no-parent families, emotionally absent parents, working parents -- all t...

Cases of Personal Injury and NC's Statute of Limitations

cause of action shall accrue more than 10 years from the last act or omission of the defendant giving rise to the cause of action ...

North Korea and News Coverage by The New York Times

and negotiate (2003). On February 2, 2003, an article was published in the Sunday Times entitled "The World; To China, North Ko...

'Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History' by Arthur J. Ray Summarized and Critiqued

(Ray, 2000). Upon initial investigation, Ray had found that most references to Indian involvement in the fur trade were of "shadow...

Critique of the Methods Featured in Sources of Opportunities and Their Implications on New Product Performance in the Emerging Internet Connectivity Market

product performance in the subsequent year" (Soh, 2000; p. 16); 3. "As a firm increases the number of partners with whom repeated ...

Overview of Family Law Issues

aimed at child protection either form physical or metal abuse or to protect their morals as well as to protect the freedom and rig...

Lesbians and Gays Career Counseling

important document because it notifies psychologists that they must be aware of their own biases, societys biases and the challeng...

Contemporary Organizational Leadership

Leadership and Management In the past a leader and a manager were seen as one and the same thing, with the advent of scientific ma...

Discounts, Pricing, and EU Competition Law

seen as an agreement that fixed "price, price ranges or other related conditions" (Weatherill and Beaumont, 2000). The article its...

Investment Evaluation and Linear Programming

be traded though the CSE in order to increase the level of competition. The NASDAQ shares that could be bought in this way were li...

Counseling and Family Violence

to understand that it has also been a very real part of American society since the early days. In a review of the book "Domestic T...

Study Review of Clatton Brock, Albon, and Guinness' 'Maternal dominance, breeding success and birth sex ratios in red deer'

values on social dominance based on the number of other mature hinds (one year or older) the female had been observed to threaten ...

Suffering and Pain in Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie

In the story of Morrie we are faced with a man who knows that he will die. In these respects the pain experienced in the two stori...

An Examination of Addiction and Recovery

provides an overview of what is available in terms of assisting addicts to turn their lives around. Finally, this medical journal ...

Marketing the Visiting Nurse Association

even through government agencies (Visiting Nurse Association-Omaha/Southeast Nebraska, 2002). Various programs and services are sp...

Parliamentary Reform in Canada

In six pages two articles concerning parliamentary reform in Canada are evaluated regarding their coverage of the pertinent issues...

American Artists and Art from 1900 to 1950 Annotated Bibliography

world as well as that within the U.S. In comparison other articles reveal that American art has not been considered as successful ...

Nursing Ethics in December 2002 AORN Journal

Washington Medical Center, Seattle, and a clinical instructor, bio behavioral nursing and health systems, at the University of Was...

Attending Church and Religion

of voluntary association, such as union membership (Bruce, 2002). He also discusses the advent of television evangelism and the da...

Cibelli, Lanza, West, and Ezzell's Research on 'The First Human Cloned Embryo'

this article contend that they believe their achievements: "represent the dawn of a new age...

B.F. Skinner's Analysis of Freedom

provides information on birth control and abortion. In some way, the government is providing reinforcement to the choice of not ha...

Natural Law and the Judiciary

as more and more circumstances present themselves in terms of personal rights which requires the judiciary to rule. The ...

Memory and the Brain

illustrates that the second of Wittgensteins perspectives involves recognition. "Recognition is not so much a matching of two impr...

Time Travel Possibility

The common perception is that if time travel were available then the time traveller may go back and the prevent tragic events occu...

Bilingual and Cultural Education Related to Critical Theory

the collective and tries to provide an understanding of how current social conditions have come about them, and how they interact ...

Moderate Consumption of Alcohol and Media Statistics

2001, p.46). Four or five drinks within a twenty four hour period increases the short-term risk of a stroke to close to five times...

China vs. U.S. in Social Reform and Politics

who are living the American Dream. What could BE more American than a hamburger, right? Who made that happen? McDonalds and their ...

U.S. Policy Challenges and Muslim Diversity

as we do and why many in the world resent those actions. Hunt illuminates a certain continuity in American foreign policy...

Krispy Kreme and Ethical Accounting Practices

and give an appearance of a sounder and more asset backed company. The first is with the repurchase of some franchises, for a pric...