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A Review of The Colors of the Mountain

see from the beginning that this story will not be one about a family who lived well during the changes in China, but a family tha...

A Review of The Jungle

will find the hope that America said it could offer, but also the realities that make a capitalistic society oppressive and degrad...

A Review of Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation

understanding of natural selection. Sometimes, as a result of my research, I have come to conclusions that are different from the ...

People in Crisis by Lee Ann Hoff

in the wings for his cue may be experiencing the stress we call "stage fright," but if he can channel that stress into his perform...

Maxwell's There's No Such Thing As 'Business Ethics' There's Only One Rule Reviewed

As well see below, Maxwell is not highly in favor of so-called "ethical behavior," because he believes that ethics is very simply ...

Warren, Reeve and Fess's Accounting

all businesses accounting methods the same across the board. Although there are some differences between GAAP and International Ac...

Review of Anthony Horowitz's Point Blank

a book by its cover. The boys, when sent to Point Blanc, are bonafide, out of control, juvenile delinquents who suddenly become mo...

Randy Roberts and James S. Olson's A Line in the Sand, the Alamo in Blood and Memory

he was God" (6). As each man is introduced by the authors, such as William Barret Travis, the leader of the Texans; Davy Crockett,...

Robert Cialdini's Influence The Psychology of Persuasion

the society has done well with this product and everyone will need one. Another term, scarcity seems to indicate that it is an app...

Bone to Pick by Ellis Cose

that surely they had experienced unjust realities, but not really. In short, while this reader/writer has experienced the death of...

Friedman: “Free to Choose”

there is also some "voluntary exchange" contained within it (Friedman). His example here is the Soviet Union, which of course wa...

Martinson: "Views from a Tuft of Grass"

life, which may help to explain why he wrote about it in detail in Views from a tuft of grass. This book is a collection of essays...

Weiss: "Marital Separation"

to develop, so that associating with the other makes them feel better about themselves (Weiss, 1975). That is, they have endowed t...

Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

slavery concerns and economic viability. In truth, the ultimate foundations of the government and the people, regardless of the si...

The Book of Good Love by Juan Ruiz

dungeon and as such is nothing more than a simple fun work (The Book of Good Love of Juan Ruiz Archpriest of Hita, 2007). There ar...

Mukherjee: "Jasmine"

her own future. She is a rebel from the beginning, and her desire to be different could be one of the reasons her life takes on wh...


everything can be connected with microeconomics 101, namely, the choices that an individual makes to better his/her utility. ...

And The Band Played On

about the condition and how people slowly began to realize the different ways in which AIDS may be transmitted such as through sex...

Limbaugh Tells Readers So

of bellowing his unsupported opinions as if they were facts. Perhaps the most egregious of his faults is his constant attacks on ...


trust and friendship in a small business. Because the relationships in smaller businesses tend to be friends as well as co-workers...

Book Censorship

series and they desired this because they believed that it encouraged witchcraft. For anyone who has read them and is not of that ...

Beach’s Run Silent, Run Deep

become the commander of the Walrus. At this point Bledsoe becomes the executive officer of the vessel. In relationship to adventur...

Backwoods of Canada by Catharine Parr Traill

For example, she is intrigued when the ship passes islands that have herd of cattle grazing on them. The captain explained that lo...

Itah Sadu's “Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room”

will not clean his room, no matter how much he is told to do so. The room gets so out of hand that the two goldfish he owns begin ...

The Great War and the Search for a Modern Order by Ellis Hawley

kicked off something else that was interesting - the worlds first mass consumption economy. The Industrial Revolution had been und...

White Like Me (Reaction)

of racism on a daily basis. Understanding how race figures in society will be helpful for me as I continue my career path as a cor...

Riot and Remembrance by Hirsch

Depression looming on the horizon. Hirsch tells the reader that when the Depression did come to the region Greenwood was devasta...

Book Review: “Charlemagne” by Matthias Becher

information about it, rather than trying to pick it to pieces. Becher has used primary sources where possible. He relies heavily ...


February 13, with the winner to be announced on February 14. We restrict it to this two-week period to put a sense of urgency into...

Book of Judges

was dictated by the author or that every word is a word of God directed to human for their salvation," as many of the words in the...