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Music During the Romantic Era

swung between the desire to keep emotion under the control of reason and the desire for free, uninhibited expression (Machlis, 197...

Music as Symbolic Behavior/Alan P. Merriam

"symbols," and their relationship to art and its abstract nature. Having established a basis for discussing symbolism, specific ...

Listening to Music in an Active Fashion

expressive qualities of the music such as the pieces themes and melodies, the texture of the instruments and arrangement, as well ...

Music of Mississippi John Hurt

December 21, 1928, was by far the most productive, as Hurt cut three spirituals and five blues works during this session (Obrecht)...

Modern Greek Culture: Music

This 3 page paper gives an overview of modern Greek music such as rebetiko. This paper includes discussions of culture through mus...

The Future of Music and Entertainment Industries

This 5 page paper gives an explanation of the future of the entertainment and music industry. This paper includes the writers pers...

Periods in Music History and Timeline of Events

This paper is comprised of two sections. The first section is speed sheet, khmuschtl.xlsx, which describe each period in western m...

Dancing and Fela Anikulapo's Music

This 4 page paper gives an overview of how African beats and music have influenced dance. This paper includes Fela Anikulapo's mus...

Sacred and Secular Music: Al Green's Path to God

This 8 page paper gives an overview of the position of both secular and sacred music within the African American Church. This pape...

Father of Gospel, Thomas A. Dorsey

This essay presents a detailed overview of the career of Thomas A. Dorsey, the Father of Gospel Music. Also, the writer describes ...

Measuring Risk in Financial Markets

where the risk will not be shared by the entire market (Howells and Bain, 2007, p47). A basic tool that is often...

A Theoretical Assessment of Motivational Strategies at Starbucks

service creating happy customers (Heskett et al, 1994, p164). The human resource management (HRM) model of Starbucks is often ci...

Proposal for a New Assessment Model Aimed at Analysis of Information Technology Use within a Firm

which an organisation competes. Porter (1985, p13) has designed two differing categories of competitive advantage; cost advantage ...

Candidates Views on Fairness in Job Recruitment

collecting background information on the candidate; gathering only information which was classified as objective and could be veri...

Gap Analysis On Home To Reduce The Potential for a Fall

The writer creates an assessment to tool to identify household environmental risks that may increase the risk of a fall. The use o...

Rich Pictures and a Business Tool

manufacturing companies may be a lack of efficiency within the firm as a whole and falling productivity or sales levels1. In this ...

How Firms Use Hedging Tools

The writer looks at the way a firm can protect itself from exposure to risk by using hedging tools. The use of currency purchases...

Quality Improvement Tools Healthcare

or the frequency level of falls in terms of overall patient numbers. For quality improvement to take place it is necessary not onl...

Effective Healthcare Management

This research paper pertains to the fact that a variety of tools have been designed in order to identify and assess the competenci...

Choosing a Method to Survey Employees

There are many situations in which an employer may wish to gain the options of employees. The writer looks at the way a survey to...

The Competitive Strategy and Position of Unilever

that it has competed, the market it competes as well as the potential influence of purposes. The paper will start by looking in th...

Where is Daniel Dennett?

is located in the brain, shouldnt he be thinking, Im inside looking at my body (Dennett). Unfortunately, he cannot make that switc...

Rhetoric and Nelson Mandela

the state. He is quite logical also in denying the charge that he has been influenced by "foreigners or communists," as he makes i...

Primary Research Tools

in-depth results but the style of the approach which generally asked a number of relatively simple questions is suitable to be use...

Getting Old is Not for Sissies

to toss older people onto the scrap heap. This paper considers the way in which reactions to phrases about aging inform a persons ...

Tools for Examining an Organization

a high level of congruence, with many of the same process, but aimed at different products, which are within the same markets, and...

Alice Walker and George Orwell

of these introductory lines the reader is made privy to who the individual is in some way, where they are, and ultimately what the...

How Unilever Leveraged the Finance Department to Promote Organizational Growth

the firm with its target market (Kotler and Keller, 2008). This can be examined from the marketing perspective, but it may be argu...

The Value of NPV

it can also be utilised to increase the value by adjusting the discount factor to allow for other costs or factors. For example, i...

Fiscal Policy

the most reliable "on the basis of empirical evidence, because fiscal stimulus generally is accompanied by monetary stimulus." Th...