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Alice Walker and George Orwell

of these introductory lines the reader is made privy to who the individual is in some way, where they are, and ultimately what the...

Getting Old is Not for Sissies

to toss older people onto the scrap heap. This paper considers the way in which reactions to phrases about aging inform a persons ...

Where is Daniel Dennett?

is located in the brain, shouldnt he be thinking, Im inside looking at my body (Dennett). Unfortunately, he cannot make that switc...

Rhetoric and Nelson Mandela

the state. He is quite logical also in denying the charge that he has been influenced by "foreigners or communists," as he makes i...

Milton/Satan in Paradise Lost

who displays unconquerable courage. In this manner, Milton portrays Satan as a heroic figure, and elicits sympathy for him. As Sat...

Critical Analysis: "I am Half-Canadian"

those of other races entirely. Nor do these forms truly explain why anybody needs to know this stuff in the first place. And there...

Am I Gay?

psychotherapy at their laboratories in St. Louis (Homosexuality: Help for those who want it, 1979, p. 275). Masters and Johnson cl...

Beth Henley's "Am I Blue" - Critical Analysis

carried on into adult years. Adolescence is considered one of the most crucial periods of socialization because of the very press...

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

that the "most powerful reason (for believing in religion) is the wish for safety, a sort of feeling that there is big brother wh...

Richard Skolnik's I Am the American

relatives. It was the 1930s and change was in the air socially, politically, and internationally. Where they lived in Brooklyn Sko...

Who am I? Self Concept Consideration

who one is, murder is deemed to be wrong. It is ones duty to find other means of solving ones problems than to simply murder the o...

U.S. Betatherm and Am Beo Prospects

and Spain. Its primary business is that of providing billing services and billing system enhancements to providers of cellular te...

Voluntarism, 'I Think Therefore I am,' and the Meditations of Rene Descartes

thus in doubting, he is thinking, and it must be true that he exists" (Anonymous Topic 2 - "Cogito, ergo sum", 2002; cogito.html)....

Male Bonding in I Am One of You Forever by Fred Chappell

In five pages the bonding of men as examined from the author's Southern perspective is analyzed....

Homeless Women's Plights and Tell Them Who I Am by Elliot Liebow

In five pages homeless women and their plights are examined within the context of the sensitive portrayal offered in Elliot Liebow...

Analyzing 'I Am a Catholic' by Anna Quindlen

In two pages Catholicism's traditional meaning is contrasted with the view presented in Quindlen's contemporary interpretation....

Reality According to the Philosophy of Rene 'I Think, Therefore I Am' Descartes

In five pages this paper discusses how Descartes' philosophy of reality is presented in the 1641 publication of The Meditations. ...

Symbolic Speech and I Am an Impure Thinker by Eugen Rosenstock Huessy

In six pages various chapters of Rosenstock Huessy's text are examined in an examination of how symbolic speech is represented. T...

A Review of I Am Rene Espronceda de la Barca

A 5 page review of the short story that was included in the book And We Sold the Rain.The three mysteries presented by the author ...

Am I Thin Enough Yet?

become everything. Delia not only wants to look good for the attention that it gets her, but she is also determined that her sel...

'Am I Blue?' by Alice Walker

used to scrawl after our stories, marked, "the end." This is true in the "thinking piece," Am I Blue. It is important for the st...

An Affirmation of Who I Am

was a new teacher. Im not sure where she was from but she was very different from teachers I had had before. Im sure a lot of of...

I am Legend/Matheson

scientific research, as part of his effort to understand the vampires and he discovers the bacterial cause of the vampire plague. ...

The Ideal Warrior

in the ideal image of a male hero or warrior. In both cultures the people were founded in a patriarchal way of life, seeing man as...

Odysseus and Models of Heroism

In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at heroism. Odysseus is put forth as an example of both modern and classical ideals of ...

Galaesus and Odysseus in The Aeneid and The Odyssey

is killed (Virgil, 2009). Paschalis has done a study of some of the semantics in the poem, and suggests that the name "Galaesus"...

Kleos in "The Odyssey" of Homer (Book Nine)

Ithaca and kept him away from his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. Cast adrift on a ship with only his crewmembers for compa...

Why Odysseus Argued For Ajax

himself to the public, a duality of moral reasoning that influences his self-serving ways. Of the many reasons attributed to why ...

Philoctetes by Sophocles

In five pages this paper examines the cunning Odysseus in this work by Sophocles. There are no other sources cited....

Odysseus' Personal Qualities

In five pages this paper examines how the survival instincts Odysseus relied upon during his journey home were reinforced by his s...