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Israel Lobby, Article Summation

as well as many politicians, who regard the creation of the Israeli state as the "fulfillment of biblical prophecy" (Mearsheimer a...

The Elderly and Driving Behavior

A gerontological issue that is relevant in today's society involves driving. This paper examines studies on driving as it respect...

Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol

This research paper offers an overview of drunk driving accidence statistics, a brief description of penalties and a discussion of...

Personality Allport Eysenck Cattell McCrae

All of these theorists had a great impact on the study of the structure of the personality. It was Allport who began the move away...

Drunk Driving - The Psychological Roots

In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at drunk driving. The relationship between drunk driving and aggressive personalities ...

Choices of Data Storage

In five pages data storage and its many choices are examined in terms of the data transfer, durability of storage capacity, and co...

California and Drunk Driving

In five pages California is examined in this consideration of drunk driving with conditions discussed and a decade long study exam...

A Proposal for the Problem of Drinking and Driving

not hold him accountable. If he was that drunk, one would not expect him to be able to make an appropriate decision about driving....

Unsafe Driving Practices

In this essay consisting of three pages the risks of talking on a cell phone while driving are discussed and described as being as...

Driving Under the Influence Narrative Essay

a life sentence and serves mandatory long-term sentences. When someone decides to pull the trigger, they have made a conscious dec...

Ambiguous Meanings Long-Term Memory

This essay discusses several issues that have to do with cognition and memory. Attention and Memory are two of the issues, texting...

Mobile Phone Use by Drivers

if talking with someone in the car and not on the phone. A meta-analysis by Brace, Young, and Regan (2007) found that talking on...

History Texts' Depiction of Native Americans

was not construed as legitimate. Today, that is far from the case. History is a valid and viable subject and one that is taught fr...

The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud

In a paper consisting of five pages the text's purpose and meaning are examined....

'Black Boy' by Richard Wright

In six pages this paper discusses the text's intended audience, content, and focus....

A Comparison of Film and Text for Text The Tempest

This five page paper compares this classic text to the film version by Paul Mazursky. Two sources are listed....

Yo' Mama's Dysfunktional by Robin Kelley

In seven pages this text is analyzed and considered within the context of Martin Luther King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' and h...

Symbolic Speech and I Am an Impure Thinker by Eugen Rosenstock Huessy

In six pages various chapters of Rosenstock Huessy's text are examined in an examination of how symbolic speech is represented. T...

Speech and Silence in Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie

is beneficial for those hoping to grasp a larger understanding of the work. In particular, it can be argued that the use of parti...

Hate Speech by Samuel Walker

In five pages this text is discussed in a consideration of free speech, censorship, and the extremely fine line that separates the...

Multimedia and Mac CD ROM Mapping Project

In ten pages this paper examines text to speech and voice recognition CD ROM software for Mac Powerbook. Six sources are cited in...

Speech on Using Seat Belts

age between 3 and 33 (2002 Top Causes of Death by Age Groups, 2003). At 35 and through the age of 64, cancer moves into the lead ...

Comparative Analysis of the Concepts of Senge, Matsuda, and Freire

life. As the regulator of the universe that embodies balance, Tao is the primary cause of the universe and all that is contained ...

King/"I Have A Dream" Speech

on this promissory note, but that the government has "defaulted" (King). This metaphor is extremely apt and provides both a logi...

King's "I Have a Dream": A Rhetorical Analysis

a Dream" speech has, in the years since he delivered it, achieved an almost mythic status, both for its cultural significance and ...

The Missouri Compromise

problems. He then says that some people believe that clergymen should not say anything about politics, but he feels that although ...

Speech on John F. Kennedy’s 1961 Inaugural Address

legacy of offering words that inspire people to make the world a better place and embodies Daniel Websters definition of true eloq...

Rhetoric and Nelson Mandela

the state. He is quite logical also in denying the charge that he has been influenced by "foreigners or communists," as he makes i...

Summary of Washington's Farewell Address of 1796

argue that the key factor binding the country together is its government, saying, "To the efficacy and permanency of your Union, a...

Condoleezza v. Barack Obama World View

America In the wake of 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Rice begins her speech by summarizing the current dynamic...