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Movies/Then & Now

theater environment, that is most often accused of encouraging crime. Then, as now, the majority of the people ignored the naysaye...

Monster Film and Crime

are completely realistic and very believable. They are individuals who have no real direction in their lives. They are lonely, and...

Monster Threat in the 1987 Horror Movie Near Dark

This report analyzed the Near Dark horror movie within the context of critic Robin Wood's observation that 'normality is threatene...

Monster Networking Case Study

been heavily involved in the marketing aspects of (Eisenmann and Vivero, 2006; Wasserman, 1999). TMP spent over a bil...

All About Monsters

"The iron-braced door turned on its hinge when his hands touched it. Then his rage boiled over, he ripped open the mouth of the bu...

The Monster's Complexity in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

This paper discusses the complexity of The Monster's personality. This five page paper has one source listed in the bibliography....

Homer's 'The Odyssey' and Mythical Monsters

means by which to punish him for past indiscretions. Mans first instinct is to provide for his own preservation, to tend to his o...

Two Views of the Story of Beowulf

"proud of his plunder, sought his dwelling with that store of slaughter" (p. 25). Beowulf is written in Old English and set some...

The Monster Element in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

seemingly to detain me, but I escaped, and rushed down stairs. I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhab...

Who is the Monster

me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of...

Television, Movies, and Differences in Class, Race, and Gender

In ten pages the imagery featured in TV and films regarding the differences of class, race, and gender are the focus of this resea...

We Were Soldiers/Historical Accuracy of Film

back first one North Vietnamese assault, then another, over a period of six days."i In writing about the film, co-author of We W...

The Breakfast Club/A View of Adolescence

"poor little rich girl or the princess," and is drive to school by her father in a BMW (The Breakfast Club, 1995). Allison is the ...

Crash & Intercultural Communication

underlying assumption of the film is that the interactions between the various groups of people that all live in the L.A. metropol...


with Sam putting the Cube inside Megatron and putting an end to the Decepticons and evil. The Autobots, because they have no home ...

Postmodern Cinema and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

For example, the film focuses away from the traditional violence of the western film and the identification of the main characters...

Film Malcolm X

presents this realistically, although perhaps also justifies his aggressive nature. Lee presents Malcolm as an incredibly real and...

Film's Subtle Advertising

In two pages this paper considers the subtle advertisements featured in the movies Back to the Future and E.T. There is no biblio...

Social Issues Reflected in Monsters

In ten pages this research paper discusses historian Jeffrey J. Cohen's 'monster theory' and its sociocultural implications. Five...

Restrictions Should Be Placed On The Use Of Cellular Phones In Restaurants And Theaters

irritation as the long-standing issue of screaming babies on airplanes. In the case of cellular phones, however, there is somethi...

Patriarchal Concepts in Monster's Ball and Mystic River Films

mourn, and move on. He is a man raised by a patriarchal society and as such it is his duty, as he sees it, to do something. In thi...

The Monster's Education in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

This paper addresses the education and intellectual abilities of The Creature in Shelley's classic novel. This five page paper ha...

Monster's Creation in the Writings of Joseph Conrad and Mary Shelley

so moved by the portrayal of Adam that he begins to identify with Adam. Like Adam at the beginning of creation, he, too, is lonely...

Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors and Ethics

In five pages this 1989 movie's portrayal of ethical and moral considerations is examined along with a discussion of how it portra...

An Analysis of the Film, The African Queen

This paper examines the film, The African Queen, and discusses the relationship between movie's co-stars, Humphrey Bogart and Kath...

Citizen Kane and Camera Generation of Character Emotions

In five pages this 1941 classic film is examined in a consideration of Orson Welles' pioneering camera techniques and how they del...

Analysis of Clint Eastwood's Film Unforgiven

In five pages this paper examines how the opening sequence of the Clint Eastwood film Unforgiven sets the movie's overall tone. F...

A Comparison of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now

A 5 page discusion of the differences between the movie rendition of the book The Heart of Darkness and the movie Apocolypse Now. ...

Blade Runner's Replicants

does not need to ever think of it in terms of its measurable reality while the replicants, in the midst of self-discovery, must qu...

Movie Marketing Aspects

In seven pages movie marketing approaches are examined in a comparative consideration of the methods used to market films Being Jo...