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K.P. Mohanan's 'Who is an Educated Person: Ingredients of Educatedness'

knowledge that will make a person educated or not. For example, Mohanan illustrates that some specialized knowledge, such as knowl...

U.S. Immigration Limiting

on any further immigration. If this is not implemented and adhered to, he projects the United States population will top three hu...

Six Statistical Essay Questions

would first explore the geographic location collecting the data through interviews and observation, and then generate a hypothesis...

William Shakespeare's As You Like It and Aphra Behn's Rover

but she keeps her emotions in check so that she can carry off her masquerade as a man. When Rosalind confronts the Dukes accusat...

Group Communication and Various Roles

be asked when planning a breakfast for a firm. The group wants to create a good breakfast at a low price. In order to gather price...

The Politics of Recognition by Charles Taylor

been misrecognized for so long that they often feel that they are unworthy. "They have internalized a picture of their own inferio...

A Review of The Key

This 5 page essay analyzes the novel by Junichiro Tanizaki. 1 source....

A Review of Cosmopolis by Stephen Toulmin

A 10 page essay reviewing the book by Stephen Toulmin. 2 sources....

Symbology in The Struggle is My Life

This five page essay explores the symbology in Nelson Mandela's book. One source is listed....

Tutorial Sigmund Freud Lecture

In seven pages this tutorial essay instructs how to deliver to a group comprised of older Jewish women a lecture on Sigmund Freud....

A Review of That Evening Sun

This 5 page essay examines the character Nancy in the book by William Faulkner. 2 sources....

A Review of Battered Women in the Courtroom by James Ptacek

This 5 page essay explores the legal complications faced by a woman litigating abuse. 1 source....

After the Season by Jack Hodgins

In five pages this tutorial essay examines the text in terms of the relationship that exists between theme, setting, and character...

A Review of The Awakening

A 5 page essay exploring the book by Kate Chopin. 1 source....

Meso American Civilizations of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca

In six pages this essay contrasts and compares these early Meso American civilizations in terms of organizational, agricultural, r...

Assignment in Expository Writing

challenging arguments facing many people today is explaining to their family that they are gay or lesbian. This is, for the major...

Essay Analysis of 'Chaucer's Pardoner' by C. David Benson

further emphasized when Bensons claims the following: "The various critical re-creations of the Pardoner tend to be ingenious, and...

A Review of Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns

and pure mystery in the boy when he states that "Any time Grandpa had something to say, it was something you couldnt wait to hear"...

A Revies of Black Picket Fences by Mary Pattillo McCoy

the opportunities that were available to the African American in the 1960s, in terms of employment, have changed drastically in th...

Auer's A General Doctrine of the Sacraments

7 with "A General Doctrine of the Sacraments." When we think about the sacraments and what the doctrine of these might be we often...

A Comparison of Die Hard and Passenger 57

find a way to get help. He gets a message out to a security guard type cop, an overweight individual who does not wish to be activ...

Rhetorical Analysis of 'Locker Room Talk' Essay

would a male go into sexual detail about his relationship on a date? Is it to brag, or to sound powerful, or to seek admiration? ...

Democracy and Public Administration

in fact, last summer when the governor of New Jersey appointed a "friend" to the position of state homeland security. The "friend"...

Contributing to the World Through Creative Independence

than to go the same direction as everyone else. As such, the student may want to add, it is one of my greatest and...

Dante Alighier's Inferno Canto XXVI

speech. "These in the flame with ceaseless goals deplore/The ambush of the horse, that opend wide/A portal for the goodly seed to ...

Environmental Destruction and 'Progress'

if such developments include parks and trails, there is definitely an increase in pollution and other potentially hazardous enviro...

Revision of Essay on 'Progress' and Environmental Destruction

for clean-up, the bottles and plates end up becoming trash, which ends up clogging landfills (and filling landfills) and ends up t...

An Individual's Negative Navy Experience

received my first paycheck, I was stunned. Id expected taxes to be taken out; what I hadnt expected was that other things would be...

Admissions Essay for Optometry School

technology has become a beneficial tool in the early diagnosis of degenerative ocular diseases, and this is one measure that optom...

A Move for the Simplification of Spelling In American and British Society

are spelled. There are far more sounds in the English language than the twenty-six letters which make up our alphabet. As a resu...