Essays 1351 - 1380

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Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson and its Problems

his own creative energy to produce a great career for himself, but he in many ways conformed. He conformed to the needs of society...

A Management of Human Resources Overview

the tangible and intangible assets that people bring to their jobs. In todays eat-on-the-freeway modern corporate society - wherei...

Both Sides of the Death Penalty Issue

In six pages the pros and cons of capital punishment are examined in the question the writer poses, 'Is it moral for a society to...

Analyzing the 1995 Film Seven by David Fincher

taking his time. He halts, turns to one wall where the current wallpaper is torn away to reveal flowery wallpaper underneath. So...

American Foreign Policy in Haiti

In twenty pages this paper examines how American foreign policy has affected the society, economy, and politics of Haiti. Twelve ...

How Workers Built America

In five pages this paper discusses how the American workers built the US society and industry. There is 1 source cited in the bib...

Assessment of Hazardous Material

In thirteen pages hazardous material is assessed within the context of the observation 'In an increasingly complex industrial soci...

Nature in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson

"After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes," "This is My Letter to the World," "I Had Been Hungry," and "They Shut Me Up in Prose,"...

Adler vs. Freud, a Comparison

Alfred Adler is second only to Sigmund Freud in the history of psychoanalysis and psychology. This report examines the effect the ...

Women as Perceived by Niccolo Machiavelli

In ten pages this paper examines how Machiavelli perceived women and how they are perceived by past and present society. Nine sou...

The 12 Caesars by Suetonius

In three pages this paper examines elitism and patriarchal concepts as they relate to the society of ancient Rome featured in The ...

Fault and Divorced Mother Who is Out of Work

In five pages a young Josephine County, Oregon Caucasian divorced mother of 3 is examined in a consideration of how society and cu...

Exercise in the Sociological Imagination

that I have many troubles, mainly I feel tired of what I am seeing. People coming in here seem to be worse off. They have no ide...

Early California and Mexican and State Government Presence

In eight pages this paper examines California an the efforts to create a Hispanic society through the harmonious creation of Mexic...

New Technolgies and the Democracy of Communication

In five pages modern communication and its effects on democratic society are examined. Five sources are cited in the bibliography...

Kemet or Pharonic Egypt During Ancient Times

In five pages Kemet's government, culture, society, female warriors, trade, and religion ar discussed in this informational overvi...

Television Trends

In five pages this paper examines television trends and what can be learned by an earlier decade in terms of determinations regard...

17th Century Social History of China and The Death of Woman Wang by Jonathan Spence

In five pages this paper examines how Chinese society of the seventeenth century is presented in The Death of Woman Wang by Jonath...

Social Change and Brown v. Board of Education

considerations based on race. The now infamous Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision of 1896 ruled that the provision...

The Character of Louisa in Hard Times

This Dickens tale is looked at as it relates to this single character but other characters are discussed as well. Gender is someth...

Similarities and Differences Between Arts and Crafts

us. With those thoughts in mind we shall proceed. A place to start There is a multitude of definitions, and yet no one is willin...

Overview of Iceland

In twelve pages this paper presents a global trade overview of Iceland in a consideration of its society and economy. Ten sources...

Jazz Legend Billie Holiday

In a paper consisting of ten pages the influence of the legendary jazz performer Billie Holiday in terms of music and society are ...

Change and the UK Accounting Regulatory Framework

In ten pages the problems with the United Kingdom's accounting regulatory framework are examined in a consideration of such cases ...

Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy and Roman Civilization

This paper addresses Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy in terms of how ambition affected society during the Roman Empire. This fiv...

Gender Perceptions and Prostitution During the Victorian Age

way that different people were seen. When we look at this time we can see that there was already a change, the...

Jeffrey Reiman's The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison and Jack Henry Abbott's The Belly of the Beast

These texts are contrasted in terms of how each author views crime in society and the impact of socioeconomics in five pages. Two...

Chapter Eighteen of Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves

In five pages this paper discusses European Society and the First World War as featured in Chapter Eighteen of Robert Graves' auto...

DNR Orders and Medical Ethics

In six pages this report considers medical ethics and the impact of 'do not resuscitate' orders upon patients, their families, the...

The Birds by Director Alfred Hitchcock

In a report consisting of six pages the notion of seemingly harmless creatures turning on innocent residents of a northern Califor...