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A Review of That Evening Sun

This 5 page essay examines the character Nancy in the book by William Faulkner. 2 sources....

John C. Maxwell's Developing the Leaders Around You

In five pages Maxwell's book is reviewed. Two other sources are cited in the bibliography....

Symbology in The Struggle is My Life

This five page essay explores the symbology in Nelson Mandela's book. One source is listed....

Howard Fast's Freedom Road

In five pages a summary of Fast's book is presented. There are no other sources listed....

A Review of Cosmopolis by Stephen Toulmin

A 10 page essay reviewing the book by Stephen Toulmin. 2 sources....

Angela's Ashes Film Version Creation

In five pages transforming Frank McCourt's autobiographical text into a screenplay is examined in terms of necessary elements and ...

Terry Alford's Prince Among Slaves

as much narrative, as documentary, as historical or human horror. Horror not from the aspect of grade-B movies, but the reminder ...

A Review of House of Breath

A 5 page review of the book by William Goyen. 1 source....

Compare and Contrast: Jazz by Toni Morrison and Black and Blue by Louis Armstrong

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts Toni Morrison's book Jazz with Louis Armstrong's song Black and Blue....

David McCullough The Great Bridge

over 276 feet above the high water; and weighed an overwhelming 14,680 tons (Wright 616). For anyone who had the opportunity to s...

A Review of The Awakening

A 5 page essay exploring the book by Kate Chopin. 1 source....

The House Behind the Cedars by Chestnutt

and clear -- quite in harmony with her appearance. That it had a faint suggestiveness of the old womans accent he hardly noticed, ...

Book Review of Free At Last by Fred Powledge

In four pages a book review and analysis of this 1991 text by Fred Powledge are presented....

Baseball's Great Experiment by Tygel Reviewed

In five pages Major League baseball player Jackie Robinson's lasting legacy is examined within the context of Tygel's book....

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

In five pages Nelson Mandela's book is analyzed with reactions and the writer's personal thoughts also included....

A Place at the Table by Bruce Bawer

In five pages this book is discussed in terms of its homosexual perspectives and the ways in which it illustrates gay stereotypes ...

Jonathan S. Petrikin's The Third World

their positions within the country, many who do are consistently hindered from achieving any form of success at bettering their pr...

Review of '1919'

points made by Asinof, one must first realize that the year he discusses was the first of about twenty that would transpire betwee...

Book Review 3 for '1919'

: Americas Loss of Innocence" suggests so precisely-- all of these events transpired during that one fateful year..and it was in t...

Reactions to Night by Eli Wiesel

In three pages the reaction to Wiesel's powerful book is considered....

The Fragile Bridge

which was eager to join with the silk workers in their fight against the oppression of the factories. The Wobblies were a radic...

Holding the Line

The writer examines the Barbara Kingsolver book Holding the Line, which discusses the 1983 mining strike in Arizona. The book reve...

Esther and Ruth Biblical Analysis

In four pages this essay contrasts and compares these biblical books and the women that are featured in them....

Cave Allegory in The Republic by Plato

of Nature. He has also noted that while the 20th century has involved a great deal of specialization, the 21st century will be a ...

Tuck Everlasting vs. Dreamspeaker

In nine pages these books for young adults are examined in terms of their similarities....

Narrative Evolution

In seven pages the evolution of narrative are examined in a consideration of Scarlet and Black, Tristram Shandy, Madame Bovary, He...

The Defense Never Rests by F. Lee Bailey

This paper consists of six pages and considers the book, the author's position, and the various cases represented within....

Women of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how black women's experiences are captured in Naylor's book Women of Brewster Plac...

Chapter Analysis of The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy's classic and best known novel, The Return of the Native, is examined in this 5 page paper. The writer analyzes each ...