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Finding True Romance in School

Finding True Romance in School

The first thirteen years of my life weren’t very exciting. I played soccer, went to school, hung out with my friends, you know, the normal things a kid did. Then, my fourteenth year, I met the guy that threw me my first lifeline.

His name was Gabriel Flores. He was the kind of guy everyone liked. He played all the sports including baseball, football, basketball, soccer and track, and played them well. The first day I saw him I knew there was something special about him I couldn’t quite figure out. He had a sense of shyness when I came around him. We would make eye contact, then turn away pretending as if we didn’t see each other. I never had a conversation with him; actually I never spoke one word in his presence. We were both in disguise of the crush we shared for each other.

He walked with confidence, but I never seemed to catch him smile. He was always so serious . When he did smile or laugh, it was always because he or his friends were joking around about something. It made me weak in the knees to look at him. His hair was so dark like the midnight sky, always in the right style that everyone envied. His eyes sparkled like marbles of amber dancing in the mid-afternoon sun. He always looked so much older, like he didn’t belong with all those immature eighth graders.

The first day for us to make physical contact was one afternoon at school after we were through eating lunch. It was customary for all the students to go outside to the basketball courts and either play basketball or socialize. That day I was feeling a little sporty, so I played basketball with a bunch of friends. I felt someone bump into me not realizing it was Gabriel. When it came to my senses that it was him, my whole body began to tremble and I forgot what I was doing as I went into a blank daze....

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