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Essays 1 - 30

Art Critique: Reaction

himself, on a pedestal that is covered in fabric. The photo is a profile of the man and his entire body, save for a small portio...

Birth Order/Reaction, Critique of a Research Study

manner, Falbos research differs from previous study and increases the conceptual accuracy of his results. Study discussion Hypot...

Erich Fromm's The Art of Loving

to what love really is because they approach it from the wrong perspective. They believe that love is something to be found house...

Art Questions

page. The use of negative space to enhance the darkness of the central image is important to creating a tone for the site, and th...

Barrett/Interpreting Art

assessment of some viewers as being "resistant to abstraction" because see "no skill in it" (Barrett 87). In breaking down this ob...

Period Art Describes After a Trip to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art II

Japanese, African, Roman, and Greek works of art are discussed in this reaction paper to a trip taken to the Metropolitan Museum o...

Galleries and Wings of a Trip to New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art Described V

An exhibit reaction paper of two pages considers the various African, Asian, Greek, and Roman wings and galleries of NYC's Metropo...

The “Sensation” Art Show, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1999

stuff "winning rather than off-putting," noting that he is an "equal-opportunity elephant-dung employer," using it to make support...

Pop Art and Its Critics

were found, and no interview was discovered, from the involvement of Kaprow we can see that he is a man who believes that pop art ...

Art Interpretation: Guernica by Picasso

abstracts pain and fear from history" (Berger 169). He also discusses what Picasso was doing, and not doing and in that respect th...

The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart

"a perfect bell, with a perfect pitch" calling worshipers to mass (11). On arriving in Canada, Father Gstir simply changes the loc...

Paint and Art

one author that Hubert is "Credited with inventing oil painting" and "was so idolizes for his discovery that his right arm was pre...

The Amygdala and the Physiology of Fear

to its specialized nuclei, the cortical nucleus, the centromedial nucleus, and the basolateral complex. These, in turn, process t...

Wit & Palliative Care

also a former student of Vivians is now in the rather awkward position of also being one of her doctors, as he is an intern and re...

Different Investor Reactions to Acquisition Announcements

providing opportunities and the role that governance may have on the way business is run and how bids are made an assessed, all of...

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

In five pages Nelson Mandela's book is analyzed with reactions and the writer's personal thoughts also included....

Reactions to Night by Eli Wiesel

In three pages the reaction to Wiesel's powerful book is considered....

Book Review of Surviving The Holocaust

In five pages this reaction paper reviews Avraham Tory's diary Surviving the Holocaust....

Mel Gibson's Hamlet

In two pages this essay reviews the Gibson film adaptation and the writer includes a personal reaction....

Personal Essay: A Significant Life Event

he was so sick. The first I knew about it was a call from my Mom. She didnt give me any details over the phone, just said Dad was ...

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

creating the situation present in todays economy. In addition, one could argue that this Act, if implanted earlier, would have hel...

A Boy’s View of the Islands

know anybody who was going to the fighting. After they checked in his aunt asked him if he wanted to take a nap, but he wasnt tir...

White Like Me (Reaction)

of racism on a daily basis. Understanding how race figures in society will be helpful for me as I continue my career path as a cor...

Guilt and Grief in The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

how to save her legs and he and Buckley become almost inseparable. However, in the background, Jack makes it clear that he still c...

Grapes of Wrath (Film Review)

This one page reaction paper looks at the well known film Grapes of Wrath and the political statement that seems to come through i...

A Place at the Table by Bruce Bowers

the authors personal bias. There was much about this book that challenged my personal beliefs and outlooks. For instance...

Introduction to Christian Theology/Gonzalez and Perez

points out that the authors approach their topic principally from the standpoint of church historians, and that their "vision of U...

Social Pedagogy and Protest

capitalist leaders. The protests were largely in response to what was seen as the inherently offensive nature of an assembly of th...

Art of Slavery

Their purpose was to have Parliament abolish slave trade, rather than declare slavery to be illegal. As an incremental play, this ...

Urban Art as a Reflection of Urban Culture

This 5 page paper examines the concept of urban art. The writer argues that the term is ambiguous, but is usually understood to me...