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Essays 1 - 30

Groups, Self Esteem, and Social Identity Theory

In five pages this research proposal discusses the relationship between the desire to belong to a group and low self esteem or lac...

Self-Concept Maintenance

Self-esteem and self-concept have always been controversial in the fields of psychology and sociology but the self became an accep...

Social Phobias Development

In ten pages a research proposal overview upon the effects of self monitoring and self esteem in social phobia development is pres...

Observations Of Preschool Classroom

The yard had exceptionally nice equipment. There was a large log-type structure with stairs, tunnels, bridges, slides, cubbyholes ...

Social Work Practice and Theory

In addition, she makes the point that when considering any social phenomenon, there will invariably be a diversity of interpretati...

A Research Proposal on Social Phobia

approaches: medications and psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown the greatest promise. Among other elements, this...

What is Identity Theory

Social psychologists have identified at least four types of identity theories. This paper discusses two of them, identity as in pe...

Social Psychology of Identity, An Article Analysis

is a cognitive skill necessary for survival. This innate tendency is the root cause for the formation of in-groups, people similar...

Beth Henley's "Am I Blue" - Critical Analysis

carried on into adult years. Adolescence is considered one of the most crucial periods of socialization because of the very press...

The Self-Awareness Trap

social and personality psychologists for decades. In the 1970s, studies conducted by Duval and Wicklund (1972) reflected the sign...

Kaplan and Reckless Theories' Overview

living on the edge. Reckless and Kaplan do have similar ideas but it pays to take a look at each of their theories and also the co...

Society, Deviance, and Differences

In five pages deviance in society is examined in a discussion of the labeling theory along with the philosophies of Emile Durkheim...

Elementary School Children and Building Self Esteem

In ten pages this paper discusses how various theorists define self esteem and how and elementary school child's self esteem can b...

Social Theory: Recreation, Leisure And Play

Peer Group Affiliation And Differences According To Residential Status, Subsistence Patterns, And Use Of Services" provide empiric...

HUmans are More Alike Than Different

was 500,000. By 1998, that number soared to 5.5 million households. That was a 72 percent increase. The number of births to unwed ...

The Perception of the Self - Explanations from Baumeister and Cooley

and perhaps unhealthy, influence on society. Unstable audience members have fantasy relationships with movie stars and violent fil...

Mass Media, Negative Influences, and the Self

This paper discusses the theories of Freud and Lasch as they relate to the potential negative impact of mass media on self-esteem ...

Economic Frustration and Frustration-Agression Theory

As this suggests, the experience of being an American immigrant often includes "traumatic confrontation" with authority figures (P...

Self Esteem in Female Adolescents

notions of the men they are dating. However, even Winik appears to realize that this can be damaging to the self-esteem of the w...

Gender, Identity and Communication

intuitive sense of a subject, but keep it to himself for fear of being made to feel "girly"-intuition is after all supposedly conf...

Self Presentation and Self Image

Social interaction can only be perceived in...

Jean M. Twenge, Generation Me

This book review pertains to Jean M. Twenge's text Generation Me, which is a study of the differences between the attitudes and se...

Group Conflict and Social Identity Theory

In five pages social identity theory is examined in a consideration of its various elements as well as group conflict. Five sourc...

Social Identity and Personal Identity

the basis of obvious characteristics such as race. Interaction with other groups is not even a prerequisite for such categorizati...

Narrative Self Concepts of Paul Ricoeur

Marcel, Heidegger, Aristotle and Kant(Thompson 1981). Ricoeur believes that in order to get to the bottom line, which is to know o...

Self-Management Theories of Dorothea Orem

This paper examines how health care levels are affected by the self management theories of Dorothea Orem in 10 pages....

Self Identity and Nelson Mandela

quiet demeanor. And yet, this quiet, intelligent man has managed to accomplish great things in his life. He is known the world o...

Group Development And Effectiveness

than fulfills this purpose. They offer more information in more forms than one could digest in a week. The organizations Web site ...

Haas Dyson/Writing Superheroes

to explaining how children make use of semiotic resources is how this body of research relates the purposes played by oral languag...

Considering a Leadership Experience

leadership style of the student may be seeking to emulate this, with consideration of others and seeking to listen. However, more...