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Fictitious Scenario in Which U.S. Nuclear Reactors Are Shut Down by Congress After a Disaster

In six pages this paper discusses a fictitious congressional response to a nuclear catastrophe by shutting down U.S. nuclear reac...

Fictitious Nuclear Accident and Congressional Reactor Shutdown

Congress has called for the closure of light water reactors throughout the United States. A legislator in the State of Wisconsin ...

U.S. Nuclear Power Industry and its Historical Development

reactor or core where the heat is generated and fission takes place within a controlled environment (Marcus and Levin, 2002). A c...

Society and Nuclear Proliferation

In eleven pages this research paper discusses the contemporary society impact of nuclear power including recent reactor accidents ...

Nuclear Position of Iran

their country or culture is at risk. The United States is essentially the big brother of the world and our commitment and politica...

Failure of the American Family as a Sociological Model

In six pages this paper discusses the various issues that have undermined the American nuclear family as a failed sociological mod...

Nuclear Power

using it as a power supply. They seem to put nuclear power plants in the strangest, and most dangerous, locations such as along ea...

The Physical Realm According to Rene Descartes

examine carefully Descartes famous "cogito ergo sum" statement, which was the original Latin for "I think, therefore I exist" - or...

Birth Defects and Vitamin A Overuse

In five pages this paper discusses how birth defects including those involving the cranial neural crest and retinal issues can be ...

Cost of Nuclear Energy

In sixteen pages this research paper discusses the pros and cons of nuclear energy in a consideration of its costs and how nuclear...

Future Answer Found in Nuclear Energy?

In nine pages this paper discusses nuclear energy in an overview of its environmental benefits when compared with fossil fuel sour...

Safety and Technology as They Relate to Nuclear Power

In eight pages this paper discusses the safety measures that are in place regarding nuclear energy and considers how technology as...

Nuclear Testing and International Law

In fifteen pages international law with regard to nuclear testing is examined in a consideration of the South Pacific nuclear test...

3 Points Pertaining to a 'Limited' Nuclear War

In six pages this paper argues in support of a 'limited' nuclear war in a consideration of its major points such as environmental ...

Nuclear Conflicts and Pakistan and India

In eleven pages this paper discusses whether there can be a resolution of the nuclear conflict between Pakistan and India in a con...

Weapons and Their Costs and Damage to Human Life

at taking 75 years and costing $50 billion. This is described very clearly in an article by Glenn Zorpette published in Scientific...

International Threat Posed by WMDs

are strongly suspected of having nuclear weapons (Shektman, 2005). The threat of nuclear weapons is great because the devices the...

Nuclear Power: An Environmental Necessity

Interestingly, while the public practically unquestionably relies on hydrocarbon based fuels they often view alternative energy so...

The Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons In Developing Countries Is A Reality

same time officials felt compelled to somewhat shield the public from its alarming aspects in order to maintain civic composure. ...


government (CIA World Factbook, 2008). Khama is a member of the BDP (Botswana Democratic Party) Central Committee, which is consid...

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

The Chilean earthquake's energy was 512 times that in Haiti yet Chile experienced a fraction of casualties and devastation. Why? T...

Langdon Winner's The Whale and the Reactor

and private lives. Indeed, our private lives are becoming very much less private due to the way in which the internet feeds off o...

Alfie Kohn's The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes

reward. He has been joined by a number of other theorist, each of whom present their own social cognitive theories. Several of t...

The Potential benefit Of M&A's in Supporting Nigerian Economic Growth

During the early 20th century merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the United States provided one of the tools for economic gr...

Model A’s, Model T’s, and the Changing Face of America

few weeks later, the company sold its first automobile, to a doctor in Detroit (Davis). As noted above, the company produced 1,700...

Alice Walker and George Orwell

of these introductory lines the reader is made privy to who the individual is in some way, where they are, and ultimately what the...

Getting Old is Not for Sissies

to toss older people onto the scrap heap. This paper considers the way in which reactions to phrases about aging inform a persons ...

Study Proposal/Will Placing an NP in EDs Help Overcrowding?

concerns the how NP practice has been implemented in countries other than the US. The majority of research articles available in v...

Where is Daniel Dennett?

is located in the brain, shouldnt he be thinking, Im inside looking at my body (Dennett). Unfortunately, he cannot make that switc...

Rhetoric and Nelson Mandela

the state. He is quite logical also in denying the charge that he has been influenced by "foreigners or communists," as he makes i...