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Behaviorism and Organizational Psychology's History

In eight pages this paper examines behaviorism and the evolution of organizational psychology in an historical consideration that ...

Behaviorist Psychology v. Humanistic Psychology

a danger that is no longer present. The student researching this topic should understand that there are several disciplines that...

Social Psychology's Beneficial Aspects

twelve (2003). Standards of course have changed a great deal and while Twiggy only briefly became the new female icon in the 1970s...

Psychology's Sub-Disciplines and Their Practical Import in Brief

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at psychology as a whole and its many different sub-disciplines. The paper examines beh...

History Of Educational Psychology - Emergence Of Cognitive Psychology

Both Plato and Aristotle discussed learning and education, the need for different types of education, the effects of the arts on l...

Evaluation of Cognitive Psychology

Describe and evaluate the contributions of cognitive psychology to the understanding of one cognitive process you have studied. ...

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Anonymous Published on 12/20/2004 14048 Reads Psychology

Humanistic / Phenomenological Perspective in Psychology

Explain the key concepts of the humanistic/phenomenological perspective. To what extent are these concepts derived from other pers...

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Anonymous Published on 12/20/2004 18651 Reads Psychology

Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches In Anxiety Management

Behavioral And Cognitive Approaches In The Management Of Anxiety [i:9e44f2d528]Compare and Contrast Behavioural and Cognitive A...

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drinksbeer Published on 01/06/2005 18714 Reads Psychology

Abraham Maslow and the Hierarchy of Human Needs

Abraham Maslow and the Heirarchy of Human Needs Abraham Harold Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the...

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rayjones Published on 01/19/2005 25263 Reads Psychology

Why IQ Tests Don't Measure Intelligence

Why IQ Tests Don't Measure Intelligence The task of trying to quantify a person's intelligence has been a goal of psychologists...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/02/2005 12453 Reads Psychology

Psychological Treatment for Depressed Students

PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSED STUDENTS Psychological Treatment for Depressed Students Depression in school-age childr...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/02/2005 4635 Reads Psychology

Compare and Contrast the Theories of Piaget and Vygotsky

Comparison of Piaget and Vygotsky Cognition is the process involved in thinking and mental activity, such as attention, memory ...

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Gotskillz Published on 02/02/2005 132136 Reads Psychology

Theoretical Basis for Counseling; Visit to Rehab House

Five major theoretical bases for counseling in psychology are biological, learning, cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural. E...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/02/2005 5697 Reads Psychology

Critical Evaluation of the Cognitive Theory of Stereotyping

Critically evaluate the cognitive theory of stereotyping Stereotyping is a form of pre judgement that is as prevalent in today'...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/03/2005 22839 Reads Psychology

Can there be a Grand Unified Theory of Personality?

[i:79bd4b4f07]Can there be a Grand Unified Theory of Personality?[/i:79bd4b4f07] No single theory of personality can adequatel...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/03/2005 8836 Reads Psychology

Learning, from the Perspective of Behaviorism, Skinner


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tyson_626 Published on 02/03/2005 13429 Reads Psychology

Comparison between Freud And Skinner

Comparing Freud And Skinner Both classical conditioning and psychodynamic theory have played a pivotal role in the development ...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/23/2005 19029 Reads Psychology

Psychologist Career Profile

Psychologist A psychologist is a person who counsels and works to help understand people's problems. Therefore, to understand...

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tyson_626 Published on 02/23/2005 13010 Reads Psychology

The Effects of Representations of Spaces, Psych and Bio

The Effects of Representations of Spaces How do representations of space affect our relationship to a place? To answer this q...

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Anonymous Published on 04/24/2005 3418 Reads Psychology

Psychological Theories on Narcissism

On Narcissism: Psychological Theories and Therapeutic Interventions in the Narcissistic Disorders Introduction Understanding...

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Anonymous Published on 05/26/2005 5744 Reads Psychology

Critical Review on how Intelligence is Measured

"Critically review the ways in which intelligence is measured." Intelligence has always been a major and controversial issue fo...

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Anonymous Published on 06/06/2005 13795 Reads Psychology

Discussion of Le Bon's View of Crowds

[i:26430bb9a3]Discuss Le Bon’s view that crowds are "intellectually inferior, driven by emotion and instinctual urges, and free fr...

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Anonymous Published on 06/06/2005 9759 Reads Psychology

Freud Scientist and or Humanist

Freud: Scientist and / or Humanist My aim in this paper is to use historical analysis as a way of reflecting on the deepest phi...

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Anonymous Published on 06/16/2005 6138 Reads Psychology

A Dream's Worth Lesson on Psychology of Dreams

A Dream's Worth A picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really I...

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Anonymous Published on 06/16/2005 12284 Reads Psychology

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

What is the true study of modern human emotion, thought, and behavior, psychology or philosophy? This question’s answer does not c...

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Sk8erD00d Published on 06/19/2005 8507 Reads Psychology

Various Psychology Disorders and Related Theories

Various Psychology Disorders and Related Theories Anxiety Disorder Psychoanalysts believe that anxiety disorders are caused ...

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Anonymous Published on 06/21/2005 4229 Reads Psychology

Psychological effects of Zimbardo Prison Experiment

Psychological effects of Zimbardo Prison Experiment Description of the study The prison experiment carried out was a simulat...

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Anonymous Published on 07/26/2005 18064 Reads Psychology

Children's Morality Vs How Moral Are You

A Reaction Paper to: “How Moral Are You?” by Kohlberg, L. (1963); The Development of children’s orientation…of moral thought &...

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Anonymous Published on 04/16/2006 4919 Reads Psychology

The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

The theory of Cognitive Dissonance states that when individuals are presented with information that implies we act in a way that c...

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Anonymous Published on 04/16/2006 3605 Reads Psychology

Comparison of Piaget and Vygotsky on Children Cognition

Cognition is the process involved in thinking and mental activity, such as attention, memory and problem solving. In this essay on...

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Anonymous Published on 04/19/2006 18948 Reads Psychology