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Concert Report, a Choral Performance

Colleges Performing Arts Center prior to attending the concert held there on Sunday, October 14, which was entitled "Just the Chor...

Going Green: Waste Minimization

In an effort to reduce global warming emissions, many of these educational institutions have begun modeling ways to reduce the car...

Ethics of College Funding

of funding public colleges in the U.S. include tuition and fees, fundraising activities, alumni donations, sale of intellectual pr...

Adult Education, College Instruction, and Electronic Learning

back before the first microcomputer was released during the late 1970s. It, in fact, goes all the way back to 1957, when Sputnick,...

Academics and College Football

better players than readers. Its a dilemma, with both athletes and institutions caught in the middle (Major Violation: The Unbalan...

David Mamet's Oleanna

In five pages this essay probes the different levels of Mamet's play and how he uses the egotistical college professor John to pre...

Alaska Airlines and a Northern Future

In eight pages this essay considers Alaska Airlines' pilot preemployment criteria that is based less on college hours completed th...

Sports Coverage and the Media II

has even made college athletes suffer from the negative effects of bad or unfair press. Coaches are known to mildly bribe the pres...

How to Write a College Paper

Writing is a critical requirement in college curricula today. This essay examines how to maintain a reader's interest while keepin...

Defiance of Authority in Life and in Literature

In six pages this creative essay examines an event in which a college student had to defend beliefs and this experience is related...

A Personal Perspective of Why a College Education is So Important

In this three page essay the author presents their own perspective of why a college education is critical. Written with some refe...

How to Keep a Peer in College

In two pages this essay reveals how the author attempts to encourage a school friend to remain in college. There is no bibliograp...

Academic Performance v. Campus Drinking

In seven pages this essay considers college drinking in terms of its causes and effects that result in students performing poorly ...

Action Research and Education

In five pages this essay subdivided into 2 sections considers the merits of action research in a new math class for high school st...

College Students and the Marketing of a Campus Poetry Night

In one page this essay discusses how to plan and promote a poetry night event on a college campus that includes a book signing and...

Funding for Colleges and Universities

State funding for colleges and universities has plummeted. For some, they receive less than 10 percent of their budgets. This has ...

Going Off to College, Psychological Theories

This essay describes going off to college as a major life event that can be explained using psychodynamic, behavioral and cognitiv...

Student Retention Two-Year Institution

This paper describes a program to retain at risk students in community colleges. The program is based on empirical studies that id...

Anne Moody's 1968 Memoir

Anne Moody was raised in the rural South where she suffered extreme racism throughout school and beyond. She was a very active mem...

An Identity for Universities

In 2997, Robbins wrote an article about the need for colleges and universities to have a theory and clear identification. She offe...

Value of College Education

This essay identifies the benefits of higher education to the individual and to the society. The writer comments on the necessity ...

Higher Education, Affordability, and Community Colleges

This research paper/essay discusses the fact that obtaining a post-secondary degree of some nature is a requirement in today's job...

Writing, Personal Progress

This essay presents a hypothetical example of how a student might describe personal progress in regards to learning to write at a ...

Writing in College

There are five journal articles that deal with writing in college classes reviewed in this essay, A brief summary of each article ...

Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Mythos

One more type of proof has been added to Aristotle's three means of proof in a debate or argument. It is Mythos. All four are expl...

Vision Plan for College Multicultural Center

This research paper/essay presents a detailed vision plan developed for the Multicultural Center of Blackwell College. Theories in...

Community College and Psychology Teaching

sort of degree that they completed with a measure of success. Still others would rather be attending a university and plan to aft...

The Benefits of Education

be part of my degree program. Incorporated in this experience will be exposure to new ideas, which I am sure will both challenge m...

A Frenchman at Vesalius College

life and work in Brussels, the opportunity is there to learn a great deal about international relations. I do find myself wonderi...

U.S. Grand Strategy Models

give up their nuclear weapon technology, examples include Israel and India (Posen and Ross, 1997). It is not worth alienating a fr...