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Changes in The Popularity of Defined Benefit Pension Schemes There has been

a decrease in the use of defined benefit pension schemes and a movement towards defined contributions schemes. This paper looks at...

Domestic Violence, Cause and Effect

This paper presents a cause-and-effect discussion that focuses on domestic violence, identifying the factors believed to be the do...

Faith Based Theory of Nursing

This 4 page paper explains what parish nursing is by explaining it is based on faith and is used by individuals and communities. T...

Explaining GAAP and SOX

The writer explains to core elements of the accounting regulatory framework in the US; GAAP and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Each is ex...

IT System Contingency Planning Process

The paper presents a process which may be used for disaster recovery and contingency planning, focusing on IT assets and systems. ...

Authentic Assessment, an Overview

This paper explains what authentic assessment is, gives examples and explains the difference between authentic assessment and trad...

Ineffective Communication

Effective public health agencies are essential for the health of the general public. They have many diverse responsibilities, one ...

Macroeconomic Issues

Three answers are supplied for questions asked by the student. The first answer explains how the economy is affected by the finan...

The Bystander Effect

This 3 page paper gives an overview of the bystander effect and what might cause this problem. This paper includes explanation of ...

Model for Competitive Advantage

There are many theories and models to increase an organization's competitive advantage. One of those is the kaizen methodology pro...

Compare Culture Three Automotive Companies

Corporate cultures have been identified as competitive advantages and this paper briefly explains the culture at three auto compan...

Does the Fifth Amendment Protect Documents

There are three issues discussed in this essay. The first explains a scenario of a fraud examiner interviewing a person and all th...

Defined Benefits Plan

The paper begins by explaining defined and contributed benefits retirement plans. It also discusses what happened at Con-Edison af...

The Concept of Emotional Intelligence

For the last two decades, there has been a controversy regarding the efficacy of the concept of emotional intelligence. This paper...

History of Ethernet

In nine pages Ethernet is defined and its history chronicled with technical information on both Ethernet and Fast Ethernet provide...

Muslim Diabetics and the Impact of Fasting During Ramadan

In seven pages this paper examines Muslims who suffer from diabetes and the health effects of fasting during Ramadan's holy months...

Positive and Negative Aspects of Computers

and dilemmas of computerization really work out for large numbers of people under an immense variety of social and technical condi...

LANs and Fast Ethernet

In four pages the correlation between LANs and Fast Ethernet are examined in a consideration of local area network protocol change...

Neil Bogart and Casablanca Records' Rise and Fall

is an essential component for comprehending the pop music business today (162). During the seventies, the dealmaker rose to promin...

Post 1987 Trend of the Stock Market

In three pages this paper discusses the post 1987 'fast money' track trend of the stock market. Two sources are cited in the bibl...

A Review of Freedom Road

A 5 page overview of the book Howard Fast. The focus is on the reconstruction era. Although the slaves had been freed, black whi...

Daniel Bernoulli's Principle

In five pages Bernoulli's Principle is examined in detail including its contention that lower pressure is created by fast moving a...

A Book Review of Anna Quindlen's 'One True Thing'

This review consists of 5 pages and describes how this journalist used to living in the fast lane took a detour to care for her te...

Overview of Conduct Disorder

forty year period violent crime rose nearly six hundred percent, with most of it occurring during adolescence(Journal, 2002). Ther...

Food and Drug Administration Accelerated Approval Problems

the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) drug approval process ("On the right," 1997). It was not legislation without controversy. ...

Examining Rituals and Beliefs of Islam

provides a non-ethnocentric view of Islam. A number of Western writers, however, have attempted to approach Islam in an honest an...

Fast ForWord Scientific Learning Software

as "b" and "d." It has long been known that "b" and "d" have presented young learners with difficulty, and for years it was belie...

Certified Public Accountant Firm LAN Establishment

survive the next generation of technological advances. The truth is that even though applications, hardware and possible speeds o...

Small Business Inventory Management Automation and Networking

not survive the next generation of technological advances. The truth is that even though applications, hardware and possible spee...

Strategic Development of Fast Ship Company

but at half the price. The overall goals, for customers using Fast Ship would include a more cost-effective and efficient ...