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Psychologist Career Profile

Uploaded by tyson_626 on Feb 23, 2005


A psychologist is a person who counsels and works to help understand people's problems. Therefore, to understand this career, one must know the definition/duties, education/training, working conditions, salary, and job outlook in order to be successful. As a result of studying the characteristics of this career, one will become more qualified.

To emphasize, one must be familiar with the duties and definition of a psychologist. Psychology is the way people think and behave. The field of psychology has a number of subdisciplines all pertaining to the study of the different levels and contexts of human thought and behavior. Psychologists in the military conduct experiments to determine the best equipment design work procedures, and training course context. One must conduct research on human behavior. Psychologists also treat people with mental problems. Psychological research for the national defense can show how to improve military training, job assignment, and equipment design. One must use their knowledge to a broad range of studies. A person who promotes good health through health maintenance counseling programs is referred to as a health psychologist. One who studies the relation between the brain and behavior are called Neuropsychologists. Psychologists who deal with the special problems forced by the elderly are called Geropsychologists. Experimental psychologists study the brain study the basic sensory mechanisms: vision, taste, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. One that is concerned with the neurological and physiological events that underlie human thought and action are called Physiological Psychologist. Psychological psychologists are sometimes concerned with mapping the functions of the brain. These are just some subdisciplines.

In order to be a psychologist, one must have an education. To prepare to be a psychologist one should take advanced placement courses. "School psychologist must hold at least a master's degree." Psychologists who want to specialize in clinical services must complete two years of supervised post-doctoral experience and one must complete one year of internship. "Licensed psychologist must have a doctorate in psychology from an accredited university with training in the areas of intended practice."

Psychologists have many different work conditions. Psychologists who are in the military are mostly in a military hospital. One who works in schools may have offices in the school headquarters. People who work in colleges have an office on campus. Some psychologists are self-employed, but most work as clinical...

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Uploaded by:   tyson_626

Date:   02/23/2005

Category:   Psychology

Length:   2 pages (531 words)

Views:   20057

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